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Noble Foundation

is a charitable company dedicated to the dissemination of true knowledge of scriptures that alone hold the key to forming a link with the third element or Supreme Self and to riddance from worries, diseases, old age and attainment of lasting happiness and joy in life.

In pursuance of its aim, it has recorded the various discourses on Supreme Truth coming from Supreme Self through Shihn Diljit over the years, which are available in Hindi, and work is afoot to translate the same into English. Noble Foundation has also published a number of books elucidating the science of Supreme Truth in order to make the same available to the masses and thus enable them to adopt Supreme Truth in their lives and get linked to the third element or Supreme Self within for the attainment of complete happiness and supreme bliss.

The chairperson of Noble Foundation is Shashi Verma and the activities of the company are inspired by the Supreme Truth that has come in this age straight from the Supreme Self or the third element. From time to time Noble Foundation also organizes community gatherings where those interested in following Supreme Truth are guided about the intricacies of its practice.

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